Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Money, Money, Money, Money...Money!

Recently I took Dylan to pick out his first piggy bank.  He chose a piggy that looks like a is adorable.  He has been earning pennies for chores done around the house such as getting the eggs from the coop, watering the garden, helping with laundry, and putting toys away.  When asked what he is saving for he replied "Cookies".  This is so hilarious to me since we don't typically buy cookies from the store to begin with.
Yesterday, walking through a parking lot, we found a quarter and a penny.  Dylan was so excited especially when I explained that Papa and Mommy like to look for money on the ground too.  When we got home he added the money to his bank right away.
Today, as we were cleaning out the vehicles I told Dylan he could keep any money he found.  He was thrilled to add almost four dollars of loose change to his piggy! While we were sorting the coins I asked him who he thought was on the penny.  He examined it and said "Jo Jo".  He is so cute!!

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